Emotional Intelligence (EI): Sharing another excerpt with you. You can purchase relevant chapters by selecting the link “Access This Chapter” at the bottom.
Book Excerpt, Chapter 9, page 167
These findings are insightful because they help us examine the potential for leaders to improve communication in a variety of areas. These areas can include knowing your own strengths and weaknesses, being more capable of handling negative emotions, increasing your adaptability, finding ways to improve relationships, and communication skills.
“…the information presented here leads us to understand that adjusted or learned emotional intelligence skills can help people and organizations adopt strategies and policies that promote efficiency and that can enhance telework operations. Organizations have always tried to ensure the emotional skill of managers, but the vehicles have been employee selection, appraisal systems, and formal or informal feedback mechanisms. Improvements in managerial EI will not eliminate the need for those avenues of improvement; however, it can provide a mainstream way to transform and improve current practices and enhance existing knowledge.”
Doc Brown