I spoke about leading and communicating at the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) World Conference 2022 on June 27, 2022 in New York. The focus was engaged interaction and how communication creates strong relationships where leaders and members interact and achieve shared understanding. An interactive communication approach is one that leverages the skills and abilities of all team members. This approach also promotes a situation where everyone contributes.
My formula for success is to take advantage of the benefits of a leader exchange theory. That means we are applying empathy to leadership communications, and using Emotional Intelligence (EI). I guide my efforts using my leadership focus, 3D, to be effective using these and other tools. The definition of 3D is Dedication, Detail, Discipline. This says we need to be dedicated so that we prepare, perform, and motivate every step of the way. It is important to pay attention to detail, creating shared understanding to enhance strengths and improve weaknesses. We must be disciplined, following rules to be the best we can always in all situations.
Leaders should create strong relationships where they bond with and inspire members. The resulting improvements in the workplace can deliver increased personal and professional growth. Leaders also will deliver improved productivity and performance. This may also foster the creation of new ideas. We must compare performance and productivity. Performance focuses on output only, while productivity focuses on output in relation to input.
I will continue to cover these areas with my colleagues. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you’re interested in these topics.
Doc Brown