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Social Communication: Recommendations for a Hybrid Approach | RightFitCommunications

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Social Communication: Recommendations for a Hybrid Approach

Dr. Michael Brown’s article titled “Social Communication: Recommendations for a Hybrid Approach,” is in the International Journal of Interactive Communication Systems and Technologies, Volume 8, Issue 1, January-June 2018.

ABSTRACT: Scholars continue to analyze the past, present and future of computer mediated communications (CMC) to make sense of the pervasive social media environment in which people operate today. George Santayana said, “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Social media grew in part out of a need to overcome communication limitations of geographic distance and time. In the process, human connection suffers, and some may even long for a way to close the geographic distance or approximate face-to-face interactions. This examination looks at hybrid approaches to social communication.



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