A father is someone who: Listens without judging; Gives without counting; and Loves without stopping.
A father is someone who: Listens without judging; Gives without counting; and Loves without stopping.
The absence of recognition is a sign of a lack of attention or caring on the part of the leader. If those you lead are doing a great job or even a good job, let them know about it. This is important to motivation and can make a lasting impression not only on the
By Dr. Michael A. Brown Sr., PhD Deputy Director, JTF-CS Public Affairs May 24, 2017 FORT EUSTIS, VA – – President Barack Obama said, “If we aren’t willing to pay a price for our values then we should ask ourselves whether we truly believe in them at all.” President Thomas Jefferson said, “The price of
Enthusiasm, passion, and commitment are contagious when they are public. Let your team gain energy as they emulate this kind of drive in their leadership. Don’t mistake activity for energy. Do the things that matter and the positive energy that is created will spark your organization to do great things. In many cases,
Choice refers to either getting people to select an action on their own or making a case for why they should take the path the leader or the group recommends. Effort is about how much energy a person gives to an initiative. Persistence is when people keep trying even if they don’t believe their effort
We have extended the deadline to submit chapters to May 1. You still have a chance to join the project! Returning to Interpersonal Dialogue and Understanding Human Communication in the Digital Age A book edited by Michael A. Brown Sr, PhD, Florida International University, and Leigh Hersey, Ph.D., University of Louisiana at Monroe Introduction
Do we connect? People post, but do they read? People talk, but do they listen? People hear, but do they understand? Let’s find the answers together. Add your voice, and your research, by submitting a chapter to my upcoming book on interpersonal dialogue. Submit at http://www.igi-global.com/publish/call-for-papers/call-details/2660.
Great leaders set the bar at a very high level, getting out front, setting the standard, making decisions, and either willing or convincing people to follow and achieve. The way to do this is through need satisfaction, creating energy, and putting people first. Satisfy their needs. If you help people find what
Leadership is analysis without bias, momentum without fatigue, and action without discouragement. Analysis without Bias: Skill is important because leaders have to know what they are doing. They analyze the way ahead and determine what is necessary. You can determine what is necessary by yourself or with the team, but you have to make
Great leaders are flexible communicators, listening and learning on the fly to adjust to each participant’s emotion, risk, and feedback to get the most out of the interaction. Join me in exploring interpersonal dialogue by submitting a chapter for an upcoming book, Returning to Interpersonal Dialogue and Understanding Human Communication in the Digital