Lead the 3D way! Leading is about building strong relationships, bonding, and inspiring members to achieve trust and shared understanding. Applying the 3D principle can lead to increased personal and professional growth, improved productivity and performance, and innovation.
Dedication: Commit to prepare and perform, motivating every step of the way.
Detail: Create shared understanding to enhance strengths and improve weaknesses.
Discipline: Follow rules to be the best you can in all situations at all times.
There are tactics you can use that will ensure you are applying 3D. You do not need a class to get started because all of these actions are totally in your control, every day. They are:
Speak your mind. Say what is on your mind to ensure that your contribution is heard. Big or small, your point matters.
Measure twice, cut once. My best friend can build anything, and he would always say this. Do your research, pay attention to the available feedback, gather differing views, and then decide your point of view or position. Then refer back to “speak your mind.”
Be yourself. If you let yourself be natural, you do not need a manual or instructions. We all have weaknesses and strengths, but you deserve to have people know and understand the real you. This will serve you well, especially in stressful situations.
Focus on you. Surround yourself with people you value. Period.
Focus on you. Surround yourself with people who value you. Period.
Doc Brown