In Part 5, information about leadership development showed ways to determine and/or strengthening leadership style. A trusting connection with clear roles and responsibilities can assist with maintaining a quality work environment.
My research addresses understanding of and solutions to teleworking, trustworthiness, and performance issues. Overall, it suggests using a strategic approach that encourages participation and that is required to achieve, understand, and build buy-in for teleworking.
I recommend an organizationally sanctioned program that uses leader-manager exchange (LMX) theory to address the factors that contribute to motivating the target audience, the employee. A culture of self-motivation is necessary to empower employees, but there must also be a culture of enforcement when needed. Finally, buy-in at all levels of the organization is crucial to the success of any telework program.
My work is focused on refining a strategic approach using important elements: how the organization develops its leaders, motivates employees, and increases productivity; how organizations use EI principles, managing radical change, and learning from available research. These factors can be used to deliver outstanding results.
NOTES: I offer this series to help leaders and members reinforce what we know, discover what we do not know, and identify what we should ask questions about. The results are intended to assist everyone to deal with positive and negative aspects of telework. This is part of my educational journey that I hope has provided you with some valuable information.
Doc Brown