When job hunting, prepare yourself and then stay on the path.
Have you received that polite “you have great qualifications, but we are not going to proceed with your application” turn down message? I have gotten a few, and I’ve even seen some of those jobs readvertised. I want to tell you that none of this has dampened my belief that there is opportunity out there for me.
These things are not a reflection on your qualifications or your readiness for that opportunity. They are simply an indication that you were unable to match your skills to that employer’s needs.
I urge you to stay on the path. I suggest that you’re probably on the right path and you only need course correction. If you feel that you have done good work on your resume, and that you always prepare for your interviews, then I suggest you are doing it right. If you’re not confident about it, you can certainly get a life coach, but you could also get a mentor or just talk it over with a friend who will give you honest feedback.
I don’t know how long it will take for you to find the job that fits you, but the faith you have in yourself is more important that what anyone else thinks about you. I wish you luck. Stay on the path!
Doc Brown